
What We’re Up Against: Moisture-Associated Skin Damage


Do you know what Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD) is? According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the term moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) defines a spectrum of injuries characterized by the inflammation and erosion of the epidermis - the outer layer of skin. This damage to the skin is a result of [...]

What We’re Up Against: Moisture-Associated Skin Damage2023-05-08T13:29:54-04:00

From Contusions to Lacerations: Your Go-To Guide For MARSI


Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injuries (MARSI) occur when superficial layers of skin are damaged when applying and removing adhesive dressings. This condition hampers the healing process by causing further damage and increasing the risk of infection. While MARSI affects all patient groups, they appear to be closely related to a patient's age and skin [...]

From Contusions to Lacerations: Your Go-To Guide For MARSI2020-04-12T07:48:57-04:00

The Unique Benefits Of Switchable Adhesive Foam Dressing


When a wound loses moisture, the surrounding tissue drops in temperature which counteracts the healing process. To foster insulation during the recovery period, clinicians need a medical aid that adheres to skin without further irritating the injury. Foam dressings — or semipermeable polyurethane — are a non-adherent or adherent dressing that helps retain heat [...]

The Unique Benefits Of Switchable Adhesive Foam Dressing2020-04-12T07:43:44-04:00

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent a Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injury (MARSI)


A Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injury (MARSI) is a skin condition caused by adhesive bandages during application or removal. The condition is especially problematic during the healing process as it can cause pain, damage, and infection, which increases recovery time. The incidence of MARSI varies quite dramatically, but appears to be closely related to a [...]

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent a Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injury (MARSI)2020-04-12T07:41:51-04:00

4 Things Every Medical Professional Should Know About Geriatric Skin


As we age, our skin becomes fragile and more susceptible to trauma. This makes elderly patients uniquely prone to pressure injuries, skin tears, and impact wounds. But while medical professionals deal with geriatric skin problems around the world, they can actually be prevented and treated easily if the right precautions are taken. 1. Thinning [...]

4 Things Every Medical Professional Should Know About Geriatric Skin2022-10-04T13:29:50-04:00

How Often Do Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries Occur


Adhesive bandages and dressings are commonly used to cover wounds, secure catheters and hold medical equipment and transdermal patches in place. In most cases, removal of the dressings presents little difficulty apart from slight patient discomfort. However, in a significant number of cases further complications arise due to medical adhesive-related skin injuries (MARSI). What [...]

How Often Do Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries Occur2019-10-08T15:05:08-04:00

Preventing Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries (MARSI)


Medical adhesives, an integral component of bandages, dressings and surgical tapes, play an important role in providing a barrier against infection. Unfortunately, their strength can often result in lacerations to the skin when dressings are removed. It's estimated that skin tears caused by medical adhesives affect up to 1.5 million patients annually.  The Payne-Martin skin tear classification system identifies [...]

Preventing Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries (MARSI)2022-10-04T13:26:17-04:00

What Nurses and Their Patients Have to Say About Comfort Release®


There is a reason why “ripping off the bandage” has become a phrase synonymous with pain. Skin tears, hair pulls, blisters, bruising, and tissue damage leaves patients dreading getting their dressing changed which hinders the healing process. These issues have turned wound care into a double edged sword. That’s why we’ve developed Comfort Release® [...]

What Nurses and Their Patients Have to Say About Comfort Release®2019-10-08T12:11:10-04:00

Meet Debbie M.


Wife, working mom of young kids, athlete, and occupational therapist for children and seniors, Debbie had her first real taste of healthcare at the age of 16 when she suffered a spinal cord injury in an emergency accident. She came into contact with many nurses and doctors throughout her care and recovery. “Those experiences [...]

Meet Debbie M.2019-10-07T21:09:39-04:00

“Ripping Off the Bandage” – Just a Metaphor Now…


We the American people, well, we like to band-aid everything. We put on band-aids to cover up our failures, to hide battle wounds, and to temporarily mask heartbreak. We put on band-aids in an attempt to blunt pain, fear or doubt. We put on band-aids to try and ease the sting from the rejection [...]

“Ripping Off the Bandage” – Just a Metaphor Now…2020-02-18T12:34:43-05:00